Beyond Skin Deep
In my series Beyond Skin Deep, I explore my relationship with my body as it relates to my experiences growing up into a young woman and my perceptions of womanhood from a young age. I utilized my friends and found objects to work through my struggles, giving me the ability to look at it from an outsider's perspective. Through the images, I explore my inner struggle with my outward appearance. Am I just a piece of meat for men to stare at as I walk down the street? Is it alright if I want to show off my body or should I cover it up? Do I dress up nice for male validation or for myself? Is it ok if I still want to be skinny or is that not body positive? These are all questions I struggle with on a daily basis. As this project developed, I started to realize how uncomfortable I am in my own body at times and how uncomfortable being a woman can be. Ultimately, Beyond Skin Deep has served as a cathartic journey, allowing me to confront and question societal norms surrounding femininity, body image, and self-worth, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of my own identity and the complexities of womanhood.

Am I Still Pretty?


A Bellisario Thanksgiving